1) Singapore citizenまたはPR保有者で日本語能力検定試験1級(JLPTN1)をお持ちでSingapore在住の方、大歓迎です。
2) Singapore在住の日本語がネイティブで日常英会話ができるかた。
3) 基本的なパソコンスキル(Word、Excel、Power Point)
4) メディア業界に興味を持っている方
5) 分析・論理的思考ができる方、マーケティング経験、クライアントとのコミュニケーション経験をお持ちの方歓迎
To: All Singaporean
The management of WAon Pte.Ltd. would like to apologize for posting a discriminating job advertisement earlier in February 2020 on https://waon.com.sg/recruit/. The advertisement stated “EP holder” for the post of AD Sales. The phrases were not in compliance with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP) and had offended Singaporean.
The job ad was immediately amended to comply fully with the TGFEP. Staffs responsible for posting job ads were familiarized with the TGFEP.
The management assures the public that such incident will not happen again.
WAon Pte.Ltd. hereby affirm our commitment to TGFEP.
Toru Hagi
General Manager
1) Singapore citizenまたはPR保有者で日本語能力検定試験1級(JLPTN1)をお持ちでSingapore在住の方、大歓迎です。
2) Singapore在住の日本語がネイティブで日常英会話ができるかた。
3) 基本的なパソコンスキル(Word、Excel 、Power Point )
4) 3年以上の実務経験がある方(作品も併せてお送りください)
To: All Singaporean
The management of WAon Pte.Ltd. would like to apologize for posting a discriminating job advertisement earlier in February 2020 on https://waon.com.sg/recruit/. The advertisement stated “EP holder” for the post of Editing. The phrases were not in compliance with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP) and had offended Singaporean.
The job ad was immediately amended to comply fully with the TGFEP. Staffs responsible for posting job ads were familiarized with the TGFEP.
The management assures the public that such incident will not happen again.
WAon Pte.Ltd. hereby affirm our commitment to TGFEP.
Toru Hagi
General Manager
1) Singapore citizenまたはPR保有者で日本語能力検定試験1級(JLPTN1)をお持ちでSingapore在住の方、大歓迎です。
2) Singapore在住の日本語がネイティブで日常英会話ができるかた。
3) 基本的なパソコンスキル(illustrator、Photoshop、Word、Excel 、Power Point )
4) 3年以上のデザイナー実務経験がある方(作品も併せてお送りください)
To: All Singaporean
The management of WAon Pte.Ltd. would like to apologize for posting a discriminating job advertisement earlier in February 2020 on https://waon.com.sg/recruit/. The advertisement stated “EP holder” for the post of Graphic Designer. The phrases were not in compliance with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP) and had offended Singaporean.
The job ad was immediately amended to comply fully with the TGFEP. Staffs responsible for posting job ads were familiarized with the TGFEP.
The management assures the public that such incident will not happen again.
WAon Pte.Ltd. hereby affirm our commitment to TGFEP.
Toru Hagi
General Manager
1) Singapore citizenまたはPR保有者で日本語能力検定試験1級(JLPTN1)をお持ちでSingapore在住の方、大歓迎です。
2) Singapore在住の日本語がネイティブで日常英会話ができるかた。
3) 基本的なパソコンスキル(illustrator、Photoshop、Word、Excel 、Power Point )
4) SNS、ECショップ運営経験者
To: All Singaporean
The management of WAon Pte.Ltd. would like to apologize for posting a discriminating job advertisement earlier in February 2020 on https://waon.com.sg/recruit/. The advertisement stated “EP holder” for the post of Web and SNS. The phrases were not in compliance with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP) and had offended Singaporean.
The job ad was immediately amended to comply fully with the TGFEP. Staffs responsible for posting job ads were familiarized with the TGFEP.
The management assures the public that such incident will not happen again.
WAon Pte.Ltd. hereby affirm our commitment to TGFEP.
Toru Hagi
General Manager
1) Singapore citizenまたはPR保有者で日本語能力検定試験1級(JLPTN1)をお持ちでSingapore在住の方、大歓迎です。
2) Singapore在住の日本語がネイティブで日常英会話ができるかた。
3) 基本的なパソコンスキル(Word、Excel 、Power Point )
4) 人事、経理、総務など、いずれかの実務経験3年以上